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Welcome to Watercolour Wellness, where vibrant hues and joyful strokes converge to foster fellowship and creative connection among adults through inclusive classes designed for beginners, uniting communities in retirement villages, organizations, churches, and businesses alike.

July Watercolour Workshop
"Welcome Home"

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Welcome Home July Watercolour Workshop

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About Us

When my dad passed away unexpectedly, I was overwhelmed with grief and didn't know how to cope. As a watercolour artist with over 10 years of experience, I turned to painting a few months after his passing. I found it incredibly therapeutic, helping to silence the sadness and process my emotions. This transformative experience inspired me to teach others how to paint, hoping it could help them navigate their own life challenges.


Teaching watercolour brings me immense joy, not just because of the art itself, but also because of the friendships I build through my classes. When you join my classes, you'll not only learn watercolour techniques but also have fun and connect with wonderful new people. Let’s paint together and discover the healing power of art.

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